Sunday, September 30, 2007


I treasure each moment with my children. Being with them, at any corners of the earth (in the breakfast table, in the mall, in the beach, in the bedroom or even in the car) is just an absolute bliss for me. But the experience of actually conversing with them - giving them your insights and waiting for their retorts - is just like flipping through a book with a much-anticipated climax. You will never know what they'll say until you really hear it. Their naïve ideas, blurted into words, are always full of surprises. It amuses me though that their candid and ingenuous words often times make real sense. Below are just some of the many memorable yet comical remarks they forthrightly said:

1. "I THINK YOU'RE JUST NOW THE 'LITTLE' BEST MOM IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD"-- My 4-year old daughter said to me when she thought I bought a book only for her 'kuya' and did not get her anything...

2. "I PEEPED THROUGH HIS DOOR AND MOM, HE'S NOT WORKING, HE'S JUST READING A NEWSPAPER" - My then 4-year old son was telling me about my boss (a justice of the Court of Appeals) when I brought him in my Office.

3. "CAN YOU JUST BUY ANOTHER ONE" – My impatient then 4-year old son was telling his Tita O, who was looking (under the seats of a darkened movie house) for her still amortized-ring which she accidentally dropped.

4. "MOM, IS IT REALLY HARD TO BE A GROWN-UP?" One difficult question, my son asked me when I went frantic over a trivial issue.

5. "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST GET MONEY FROM THE WALL IN THE MALL" - my son (age 7) referring to the ATM, wondering why his parents still need to go to the office.

6. "WHEN WE'RE RICH, COULD YOU BUY ME A REAL PINK PONY?" – straight from the mouth of my 4 year old daughter who at that time owned a small pink pony doll.

7. "DAD, CAN YOU GET ME A BIG BOOK ABOUT ALL THE JOBS IN THE WORLD, I HAVEN'T DECIDED WHAT I WANT TO BE WHEN I GROW UP!" – uttered by my 8-year old son while in the car during one of our long drives.

8. I CAN'T BELIEVE A NORMAL ADULT WOULD BUY SOMETHING LIKE THIS! - very well said by my son when his Tita E. bought him a black slimy (almost real) toy mouse.

9. “IT'S TIME TO CALL THE FIXER!” – my daughter referring to his handyman lolo J when something was broken in the house.

10. "DEAR JESUS, THANK YOU FOR ALL MY TOYS, FOR MY OLD TOYS, FOR MY NEW TOYS AND FOR ALL THE TOYS IN THE WORLD. AMEN". - a night prayer said by my then 3 year old daughter as if only toys and only toys really matter in her world.

11. “DEAR JESUS, PLEASE DON'T MAKE MY MOM AND DAD GROW OLD BECAUSE I KNOW THEY WILL SURELY DIE”. --A night prayer said by my then five-year old son already worrying about unimaginable things... (Morbid indeed)!

12. "WHO DO YOU THINK IS WEALTHIER, Auntie M or Tita E? – a baffling question asked by my son, awed by the so-many gifts showered to him by his Auntie M and Tita E...(initials supplied, for privacy)...

13. “YOU DON'T LOOK PRETTY TODAY MOM, BUT MAYBE TOMORROW YOU WILL...” - Ouch!!! Uttered by my daughter when she saw me with “un-brushed” hair with a big zit in the middle of my nose

14. “REALLY? ONE CLICK OF THAT BUTTON AND MY MOM WOULD SEND SOMEBODY TO JAIL?" – a bewildering response of my son to his Tito P, the latter explaining to him the nature of my job when my son asked me why i keep on typing many words in my office computer.

15. "GROSS!!! EEEWWW!!! MOM, BOYS ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO KISS GIRLS"- innocently commented by the 4-year old daughter when she saw her dad kissed her mom, one cold lovely evening…